Gourmet popcorn is one of most loved snacks. With standard popcorn, it rarely comes out as tasty, rich, cheesy, caramel or sweet. However, those days are long over. Today, gourmet popcorn is able to come in all types of delicious flavors.
One of the most popular types of gourmet popcorn includes cinnamon flavored popcorn. The cinnamon flavor pops in contrast to the nutty and buttery flavors of regular popcorn. Many people who love popcorn crave for this type because it is not only a healthier snack option, but also one that taste great. Cinnamon gives out a unique flavor, which makes cinnamon rolled in a cornmeal bag an ideal snack compared to other forms of popcorn. Those who love cinnamon flavored popcorn are often delighted when they find out that there are more options today than just the standard caramel or chocolate flavored popcorn.
Another favorite in the gourmet popcorn category includes the Mexican flavors. With Mexican popcorn, the flavors go beyond traditional butter and seasoning to include cumin, chili powder and salt. Mexican popcorn goes beyond traditional snacking and gives people a chance to experience flavors they normally rarely get to taste. Many Mexican snackers love these Mexican flavored popcorn options, as the salty taste of the popcorn goes perfectly with any kind of dip. By snacking on these snacks, people are given a chance to break away from the usual flavors they have been used to eating.
If you are looking for something spicy, you may want to try the new spicy popcorn. With this type, the corn is not only buttery and cheesy, but also has an intense heat that is difficult to resist. The heat within the popcorn is what gives it the incredible flavor; with regular popcorn, the heat is barely noticeable so the flavors don't blend well together. When you pop a gourmet popcorn option, the heat is released so the entire product is heated from the outside in, giving you popcorn that tastes like it was made right in your own kitchen.
Another favorite in gourmet popcorn are the unique, exotic flavors. With these snacks, you never know what you are going to get. Some of these options include mango, papaya, and pineapple. These fruits add great tangy flavors to the popcorn, making it one of the most delicious snacks on the market today. You can even get coconut oil to top off your popcorn if you don't like the natural coconut flavor. Check out also the vegan popcorn here.
If you love popcorn but often avoid white cheddar flavored popcorn, you should give these a try. Not only are they a healthier alternative, they are also tastier than their original counterparts. While you can find gourmet popcorn at almost any grocery store or farmer's market, you will probably find the best flavors and prices by shopping online. Many grocery stores carry cheddar, but you will find it easier to get cheddar if you shop online, where you can choose between several different brands.
Find out more info at this link - https://www.dictionary.com/browse/popcorn